Thursday, May 22, 2008

Only the Beginning

Hello! Welcome to my blog.

I've been a reader of a number of blogs for some time now, but apart from a few scattered entries on my MySpace page, this is my first real attempt at it myself. I've always liked to write (although I'm admittedly not the most disciplined at making it a regular habit; I hope to change that with this blog), and hope you will enjoy reading my musings.

A little about me - I will be hitting the big 4-0 in a few months (a milestone which, strangely enough, I'm actually looking forward to - but more on that later), am happily married to a guy who can put up with all my quirks, and am an ardent fan of music and most things music-related. I am originally from Virginia but have lived in Southern California for the past two years.

My username "MusicGal" actually came about somewhat by accident. Years ago, I needed to create an account on a tech support forum to resolve an issue on a discussion forum I run, and my usual choice at that time had already been taken, so I was somewhat at a loss as to what handle to choose. I came up with "MusicGal" on the fly, and it seemed to fit well, so I've continued to use that handle since then. There are a number of "MusicGals" out there on the 'net, but if you see a post or writing by one of them who is an avid Beach Boys and/or Beatles fan, that may likely be me.

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